Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Gay Bluetooth Cruising How Do You Find Out If Your Computer Has Bluetooth Capability?

How do you find out if your computer has bluetooth capability? - gay bluetooth cruising

even if I want a PC (Windows XP) and I wonder whether you have the opportunity to bluetuth b / ci made some of my songs on my phone, but as someone who is of my cell company supports B / C local and not rly sounds so gay to know if there is a way to plzz tell

I thank you a thousand times:)


Chris G said...

I like questions that begin with the word "good": O)

Look in the Control Panel - Bluetooth Devices. If this is not, not.

bapi said...

Open mycomputer properties.
Then go to Maneger.
then go to hardware devices.
And see what all Bluetooth devices or not.

jlli360 said...

Google: "insert team name here" specifications. Free quotes

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