How does spending $335 million on STD Prevention stimulate the economy? - canker sore prevention
Cancer wounds are more important than the rescue of people who are behind the record?
Genital herpes is the most urgent repairs to our bridges to collapse?
Life under .....
Well, pay for family planning and the people who will build more "clinical" to "poor people in the city. Remember, the PP was the founder, Margaret Sanger, a racist:
In his book "What Every Girl Should Know," she writes, "It is said that a fish is not as big as a man has a brain bigger than an almond. In all fish and reptiles where there is great development of the brain, there is no conscious sexual control. assume further down the scale of human development, less sexual control we could find. It is said that the aborigines of Australia, the lowest known species of the human family, one step above chimpanzees in the developing brain, so little sexual control that police authority alone prevents d get sexual satisfaction in the street "
Recently I read that blacks and Hispanics make up about 45-54% of all abortions. Up to 25% of the population!
Would add on $ 335 million would be better to repair in. "spent Dental" Bridgesor the same in the regions? Or reduce spending on health fitness clubs in these areas to the distance people are not overweight?
But you have to pay for their financial support to start with a lot of money from other people.
Note to all: Link But the addition of HR 9101 § 1 Subtitle B: Prevention and wellness ... Part as follows:
(4) Not less than $ 335,000,000 will be used as an additional amount for the implementation of national HIV / AIDS, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases and tuberculosis prevention programs, as determined by the secretary and manager.
So Ana F, which is still there!
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