Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How To Congratulate The Arrival Of A New Baby A Friend Has New Baby. At What Point Should I Be Hurt By The Absence Of An Invitation To Meet The Child?

A friend has new baby. At what point should I be hurt by the absence of an invitation to meet the child? - how to congratulate the arrival of a new baby

It really begins to solve problems or to torment me! One of my best friends (who were very, very close to a point, but we see) too often to have a baby with a little over two weeks. I saw his friend a few days before someone has been done and said how she was inspired by the arrival of the baby. Visit Call / message left a few days after the baby was born, to congratulate her and tell her that whenever he felt like I want. Another friend helps with the new baby. I have a text message women are sometimes a bit on the welfare of the mother-son and informs you that well. So has called at this point my mother was not returned to the friend of my questions have not been recognized by the mother, and I heard that many people have been to see the baby. I guess my question is twofold. One of them is sound like I'm deliberately ignored or am I too sensitive? Secondly, I have a gift for the child. Should I put them in the e-mail or if any of you say that they did not send a gift for a chILD were not invited to take?

1 comment:

jen said...

Sometimes young mothers get tons of phone calls. That was the beginning of a new baby can sometimes be quite overwhelming. I know with my first child I was very excited. Try calling again and see if you can agree on a date to meet the child. Do not automatically think the worst!

Try again, and if you feel you still ignored, then let the sentence, even with the gift.

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